Hey with Zion CofE / Methodist Primary School

School Uniform

Here at Hey with Zion Primary School, we take pride in ensuring that all children look well presented in their uniform. 


Girls: White polo shirt, red crew neck jumper/sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo, grey skirt or pinafore. A red and white check dress for summer is optional. White or red hair bows.


Boys: White polo shirt, red crew neck jumper or sweatshirt with or without logo, grey trousers or shorts. 


P.E Kit for girls and boys: Black pumps, black shorts and a plain white P.E t-shirt. 

For outdoor PE sessions your child will need a black sweatshirt and black jogging pants.  They will also need trainers.

Your child will come dressed in their P.E kit on the day of their session. Each class will be told when their PE days will be at the start of the year.


Book Bag: Book bags are to be brought to school every day.  Book bags are checked and emptied daily. 



Please put your child’s name in every item of clothing, particularly cardigans and jumpers which are often taken off, we don’t wish for any to get lost. This is very important in the summertime when children are encouraged to take their cardigans and jumpers off. Sew-in name tapes are the best, but if this is not possible, please write your child’s name on the label with permanent marker. Biro washes out.

Whilst we do not recommend any particular uniform supplier, please find attached a list of suppliers who stock Hey with Zion items with logos.  We are happy for children to wear uniform purchased from supermarkets or any other supplier.

Uniform Suppliers