Hey with Zion CofE / Methodist Primary School


Did you know that every parent of Hey with Zion is automatically a member of the P.T.A.?

We need you!

We need your ideas, your support, your time and your talents. We know you care about your child, our school and our community, so if you can help in any way or have some positive suggestions. We are a friendly, hardworking, and committed bunch of ordinary parents and staff.


Chair - Rebecca Wilde

Secretary – Emma Mitchell

Treasurer – Martin Schofield

 Thank you so much to all those who have participated in and supported our events this year, we have raised funds which have supported class trips, forest school and resources for all our children.


Our next PTFA meeting is to be confirmed.


Activities we are currently promoting include:

  • supporting via easy fundraising when purchasing from specific shops/brands
  • Amazon smiles when purchasing via Amazon
  • Uniform shop via the website.  



Our PTFA current/upcoming events are:
 Colour Run - Friday 25 April
Summer Fete - Saturday 5 July

For more details and up to date information about our future events and lots more information about the PTFA please visit our Facebook page on the link below:




If you wish to contact a member of the PTFA, they are contactable on the following:
Mobile – 07429536448
Email – heywithzionptfa@gmail.com
Facebook - @heywithzionptfa