As an academy, places at Hey with Zion from Reception Class upwards are allocated by Oldham Local Authority, according to the same criteria as maintained schools. The process has remained unchanged since becoming an academy.
Hey with Zion has a Published Admissions Number of 40 children per year group.
Mainstream School Admissions
To apply for a place in Reception class upwards, please follow the link below:
You are welcome to put your child's name down on our admissions list online, according to the Key Dates for Admissions below. You are welcome book a tour of the school at any time.
You will be informed of your child's allocated place by email in April – see Key Dates for Admissions below.
Key Dates for Admissions
Admissions for 2024/2025
• The application round opens on 6th November 2023 and closes on 15th January 2024
• The offer date for the September 2024 intake is 15th April 2024 (National Offer Day)
Admissions for 2025/2026
• The application round opens on 4th November 2024 and closes on 13th January 2025
• The offer date for the September 2025 intake is 22nd April 2025 (National Offer Day)
For further details with regards the admission arrangements for our school, including waiting lists, in year admissions, admissions of children of outside their normal age group and the appeal process, please see the Admission Policy.
If your child is offered a place at Hey with Zion you will be invited to an evening meeting to meet our Reception staff and be given an information pack containing all the information you will need and to provide an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. A session will also be held in July for your child to come in to school and experience their new environment for themselves.
For further information on how to apply, how places are allocated if school is oversubscribed, process for deferring entry, in year admissions, appeal process etc pleases see admission policy
Nursery Place Admissions
Places in our Nursery, are allocated by the school in a first come, first served basis, subject to following Oldham LA criteria.
We have 52 part time places in nursery (26 morning and 26 afternoon) and dependent on the uptake of these places we also offer full time places. Full time places carry a financial cost which can be covered by the 30hr Government Funding with a valid code.
You are welcome to put your child’s name on our waiting list at any time – we have some children who have been on our list from the day they are born!
The allocation process begins just before Easter of the year your child would be due to start nursery in September, when we will send a letter confirming that you are still interested in a place.
We are pleased to offer a start for children on the first day of the next term after their 3rd birthday, subject to the availability of places.
Initially places are offered on a part time basis but, depending on the uptake of part time places, these can be converted to full time. Parents will be invited to express their attendance preference and we do our best to accommodate.
If you would like to book a tour of our school and nursery, please contact the school at any time.
Please note: a place in our nursery does not guarantee a place in mainstream school you must follow the local authority application process.