Hey with Zion CofE / Methodist Primary School



We like to keep our children busy!

During term 4, we will be running the following clubs:


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Higher Maths (Y6) £3 per session


Football (Y5 and Y6)


Chess (Y3 - Y6) £6

Cooking  (EYFS) free


SPaG Tuition (Y6) 8am

Rounders (Y5 & Y6) (£8/£4)


Author (Y6) free


Phonic Club (invitation only)


Maths Tuition (Y6) 8am


All clubs are by prior arrangement as places are often limited. All club form must be returned via the ParentMail App.

Extra-curricular music tuition with tutors from Oldham Music Centre is also available. Tuition does carry a charge – please see Mrs Hodkinson for further details