Hey with Zion CofE / Methodist Primary School

Filtering and Monitoring


It is essential that children are safeguarded from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material. At Hey with Zion we have effective filtering and monitoring systems in place and their effectiveness is regularly reviewed.


Through our filtering system (FortiGate) we ensure that the children are not exposed to inappropriate, illegal and harmful content.

Our filtering system manages the following content: discrimination, drugs/substance content

extremism, malware/hacking, pornography- exploitation, discrimination, drugs/substance abuse, self-harm and violence, piracy and copyright theft.


Through our monitoring system (FortiGate /Senso) we actively monitor through key words and other indicators across devices.

Our monitoring system covers the following content: Illegal content. Bullying, child sexual exploitation, discrimination, drugs/substance abuse, extremism, pornography, self-harm, violence and suicide.


How to report a concern/ remove content online

If you come across any harmful or inappropriate content at home you can:

Contact the NSPCC for free support and advice—


Call 0808 800 5000 or email help@nspcc.org.uk.


Report content online at Report Harmful Content— www.reportharmfulcontent.com

Report child sexual abuse images online at Internet Watch Foundationwww.iwf.org.uk/report/

If you’re under 18 and need to report online sexual images of yourself, report via Report Remove at https:// www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/bullying-abuse-safety/ online-mobile-safety/remove-nude-image-shared-online/